Friday, January 7, 2011

weekend Bridge :NTU

Footbridge linking two spines of Nanyang Technological University.


Ginny Hartzler said...

That's some real unusual architecture. I don't know if I like it or if it looks like I would be walking inside a giant can.

Cezar and Léia said...

I love the perspective in this picture, the bridge is beautiful!

genie said...

This is one cool footbridge...very modern styled. The arcing if the curved steel/metal makes this shot particularly interesting to me. I love studying lines and curves in architecture. Happy Sunday!

Francisca said...

What a unique addition to Sunday Bridges.

Lesley said...

that cover would certainly keep you dry!

SquirrelQueen said...

Awesome looking bridge, I love the curve of the cover. It is a very unique bridge.

Marie said...

Hello Ann, this is a cute "passerelle" :-))

I find it great that you added the photo posted by Louis la Vache in addition to the link to

Louis la Vache said...

That works, Ann!
As Marie wrote, in French, a footbridge is a «passerelle».

Dave said...

You are right Ann, it does look a bit like the approach to gardens in the Hamilton Gardens - Dave

The JR said...

Very unusual!