I crash gated on a group of about ten ladies in the MABC craft group. I was meeting my friend C for another meeting, but got in too late because I forgot where I placed my sets of knitting needles and I forgot what size wool and needles I needed to make winter slippers.
I sort of budged into the lounge with empty hands and the ladies were wondering why i was there. Any way, I sat beside R, remember the lady I told you who had married for 61 years? She was very busy "knit purl knit purl."
R told me that she was knitting baby jackets for the leprosy mission. As a volunteer, she had knitted 150 of those. 150???? Ka Pai good job R.
I told her I knitted two of those, and have not knitted any since. We chatted, she said, may be I will when I become a grand mother. I flipped through her folder and found the pattern I used almost 25 years ago. I thought they were called scallops pattern but these ladies said it was feather something.
D, my 25 year old kept the pattern and I think one set of the pink jacket. I dug out the old photos. Was I clever? I made sets of matching jackets, leggings, booties, bonnets and beanies.
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