I really must go through my
emails and clean out all the junk mail.

Do you do that? How often have you thought that a particular site
looked interesting, only to end up getting content that no longer
interests you?
I have loved some blogs, but they are all in the northern hemisphere, and the
to plant seedlings, cook lovely warming stews and patterns for thick
sweaters that come in your winter while I am sweltering in our summer
here in Australia, can be somewhat of a nuisance. When I want those
articles, then winter is with us here, and you are all enjoying the lazy
days of summer. Grrrr!!!!
In fact, how often do you read all your emails? Do you get annoyed as well?
What about the people who sell products – from expensive courses on
how to make money (that’s a clever little idea if ever there was one!)
to people selling every thing imaginable – from
to dogs, flowers to fairy gardens, toys to tanning lotion and more. ‘I
find ‘how to do’ articles often helpful. What about you?
But there remains a conundrum. How do you let people know what you
have to sell? Can you let me know the secret? In order to let people
know what I do, I’m advised to get an extensive email list! I can’t
figure out how to win.
So this is my product -: the
books I have written. And this is only a sample!

Haha – did you know I was leading to this?
I love writing! I continue to churn out books, whether they be
picture books for children, chapter books for middle school kids, garden
guides for my semi-tropical area or adult novels (under a pen-name so
the children don’t decide to read it!).
I write because I want to keep my brain active.
I write because I love to educate.
I write because I just love it, and I love the challenge of
publishing my own work. If it sells – Yay! But if it doesn’t, that’s not
a problem either.
Giving away books is a trap I don’t want to fall into – that only
demeans me and all the work I do writing, designing and publishing my
books. If you want to read a great article on that very topic, I suggest
going to Paul Whites blog :-
As a reader, though, I love the idea of getting free books – but surely that is what libraries are for? In my opinion, an

offering free books should first buy the book. But, it doesn’t seem to
work that way. We, as authors, always dream of making a living from our
writing, but it doesn’t happen often. Giving away books will not help in
that regard. Even though others don’t realize it, authors (as well as
artists, and any creative person) put in a lot of work, sweat and their
heart to create a book. To pay yourself for the time and effort is just
not possible.I guess we have to be in the right place at the right time –
more luck than management!
Anyway, while you are sitting at your computer, conjuring up the next
‘Harry Potter’ type franchise, divert yourself with a nice healthy
snack. No – I’m not talking lettuce sandwiches on cucumber slices but
these delicious little bites of bliss!
(with thanks to Coles Free magazine, January 2018) – these are mouth-watering!)

And while you sit and dream of greatness, remember – the joy of
writing has its own rewards – and tomorrow maybe the day you are
With kindness.
P.S. Even frogs dream!
‘Frank Frog Feels Foolish’ is one of the picture books for children
in my ‘Alphabet Animals of Australia’ series. Feel free to email me (
gmail.com ) for your copy.