Nelson shoppers won't get their sugary fix at the checkout anymore
after a local supermarket swapped out junk food for healthy snacks.
supermarket Fresh Choice has replaced chocolate bars, lollies and fizzy
drinks for fresh fruit and water in a bid to reduce sugar consumption.
Choice owner and operator Greg Watson said his supermarket was the
first full service supermarket in the country to be confectionary-free
at all checkouts.
It was a moral decision due to the rise in obesity, he said.
"We weren't happy with all the sugary stuff by the checkout.
"We are well aware parents come in with their kids and after half an hour of being dragged around, they get a bit tetchy.
"Quite often mum and dad will cave in to give them a chocolate bar at the end of their shop," he said.
I was at my local supermarket which had jumped on the band wagon. I
wonder if this is just lip service, and lollies are still available
inside the supermarket. Kids are smarter than we give credit for.