Monday, April 23, 2012

Ruby red/rednesday: Knitting 2


This is a Facebook conversation between My friend Megan and me last Saturday. You may remember Mega from my STURDY post. She said she was knitting a baby blanket for a Sands baby. This is what transpired.
Ann Chin
  • Megan, you inspired me, I walked to my neighbourhood craft store to buy wool to knit a blanket. even bought needles because I am to lazy to look for my old needles. They cost me $5.
    How many stitches did you cast on? How big will it be,
  • Megan Lee
    Megan Lee
    • I cast on 100, and will just keep knitting until it looks big enough. Then I want to buy a darker shade of pink to border it with. I might need to buy a smaller crochet hook though, as the one I have is about a 4 or 5 I think. Too big. I need a delicate one for the border.
  • Ann Chin
    Ann Chin
    • so you crochet? I am going to knit. The girl in the shop says 40 is enough, I will do 60, and it might become a rectangle. It felt funny when I couldn't tell her who I was thinking for. I asked her how many balls I needed. I said, premature baby, then she ask if baby is born, I said not yet. First time in the shop, I don't want to tell her. She said Good luck. I mean how do you tell her that I am knitting for a dead baby I don't know?
  • Ann Chin
    Ann Chin
    • I bought mine lemon, I did cast 70, looks like it is quite small. Lemon is unisex, can be for a boy or a girl. Nice soft color. The girl in the shop says it is cotton, so they can wash it in the machine. I was thinking, a dead baby's mum doesn't have to wash the blanket.
  • Megan Lee
    Megan Lee
    • Fair enough. Mine is pink with a darker shade for the border. I don't want to do blue, because that's too close to home for me right now. Pink is good. I might keep making them. Just to keep my hands busy.
  • Ann Chin
    Ann Chin
    • I got it unisex. The funny thing was the girl kept saying it is cotton. very comfy for the baby and will wash nicely. Ah!!!!!!
  • Megan Lee
    Megan Lee
    • Cotton is good. I knit, and I crochet, the blanket I am making is both. Knit body, with crochet border.
    • I'm using acrylic, cos it's easy to wash.
  • Ann Chin
    Ann Chin
    • I can't remember one day, I was talking about my knitting experience including a man, we talked about how we have to hold our our hands out to hold the wool, so grandma could roll the wool into a ball.
  • Megan Lee
    Megan Lee
    • I remember doing that for my nana. I learned to knit sitting at her knee.
  • Ann Chin
    Ann Chin
    • when I grew up, I knitted straight from the ball from the shop, always wonder why we needed to do that except good family bonding time.
  • Megan Lee
    Megan Lee
    • I never figured that out either. I know Nan used to use the time to find out how we were doing, if we had any problems we needed to talk about, that sort of thing.
  • Ann Chin
    Ann Chin
    • now you can do it with your kids. OK, I finished casting on, Chinese style., 70 stitches because, I wasn't sure how many stitches I need, and too stingy on removing the rest,
  • Megan Lee
    Megan Lee
    • How do you cast on, Chinese style?
  • Ann Chin
    Ann Chin
    • This is for knitting, put 2 needles together, on the left hand, and then on the right fingers, you cast, hard to explain. I should have done a video. This is better than the European way, the first row is then loose and not tight. I know both methods. I chose the best.
    • May be I will ask my son to video it.
    • Megan, something very strange/ odd. You know how you say you wanted it pink so it s not close to home? I bought mine lemon, so it is unisex.
    • Guess what, the day Andrew went to the autopsy, he was wearing someone's knitted jacket. It was lemon!!!!! I didn't buy something for him, and the girl next to his cubicle who was abandoned by her mum, had a  couple of knitted jackets. When she outgrew it, (her head), the mum told the nurses, another baby could wear it. After he died and I asked the nurse if he could have it, and she found it for him. So now, every stitch I make, I think of him.
  • Megan Lee
    Megan Lee
    • Awwww!!!
  • Ann Chin
    Ann Chin
    • Grandma knows best. Now I know what we had to hold our hands out. I bought the wool that is not a "ball" type. But 8 inch wound up. It got all tangled up. Tomorrow, I will have to get my neighbour's daughter to do the same for me for my other two balls. I hardly did any computer work because blogger is being funny. I have done 5 inches . Very proud of my self.

      Son asks, what are you doing, knitting.Oh.

      Husband: What are you knitting?

      Me: baby blanket.

      Husband: who are you knitting for.

      Me: For myself.

      Husband: I thought you were knitting for some one.

      I didn't want to tell him.

      I finished knitting on Monday morning. I went to the hospital to give it to the NICU.I wanted to give the blanket to a living angel. I bought more wool to make more blankets. It's the wool virus that has captured me now.

       Once upon a time, before the computer virus captured me, I was more creative. I made sets of matching jackets, leggings, booties, bonnets and beanies. Now I only have the patience to knit baby blankets.


Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh darlin' this is the sweeties heartfelt post!!!

God bless you and your knittin' buddies in this venture.

Have yourself an amazin' week my friend!!! :o)

Chubskulit Rose said...

I don't know how to knit, maybe because I have never given an opportunity to learn it when I was young.

My RT entry

Carletta said...

You do lovely work Ann!