For Father's day. My son and I gave the man of the house a Wii game console. We gave it to him a week earlier because we want to play it as well.
If you are hearing me huffing and puffing, you heard right. I just had three games of tennis and three bouts of boxing. I don't know how the console works, but the playing is very realistic. You really sweat and curse. I grunt as loud as Monica Seles. LOL
I love computer games but i think i never played that before..
And happy birthday to the man of the house.
Love the name....Quit. Is that a clue,lol.
My Ruby Link for you
Great idea, a gift for one and useful to all!
Hope you can take a peek on my ruby tuesday, thanks!
Haven't gotten into Wii yet.
Will be out the rest of the week for my big horse show. Will have a lot of catching up to do next week.
lol!! funny pic;-)happy day for you!
We just got a chance to play our friends Wii. Now we are trying to decide whether to buy one or not. How many games did you buy? We had a bit of trouble manuevering it, and the golf took some finesse. Hey, keep me updated on what you're playing, I may have to buy one yet, especially good for exercise in the winter.
I've heard about his game but never played it. My friend lost 30 lbs. using a fitness program available on it!! Creative RT contribution. Thanks for visiting my red chairs!
I have played the music games a little on my granddaughter's Wii but none of the sports.
Linnea's friend lost 30 pounds playing. That means I should too.
Yes, we live with the golf course next to our back yard. It is very pretty after a few rains. Also it makes our yard seem soooooooo BIG.
I hope your RT was happy! Thank you for peeking in on mine.
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