Monday, December 6, 2010

ruby red, rednesday

I was up on the new Mangare Bridge when I looked down. There was this handsome six footer with his Harley. He was waiting there for a long time.

I felt like calling," Yoo Hoo!!! I am up here." LOL


The JR said...

Wonder if he was broken down.....

Ginny Hartzler said...

A great image of something caught while just passing by! Wonder what he was doing, he looks sad. Hope he wasn't thinking of jumping off!!

Jackie said...

He does look sad or stranded. maybe he is just tired. Wow, you got an awesome shot.

Happy RT!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Hahahaha, don't despair Mr. Handsome, there are great women out there..

Building Blocks for RT

Maria @ LSS said...

I agree with Jackie, he looks sad.

Happy Ruby Tuesday.

Mine's here.

Pie said...

I wonder what he's thinking?

Jama said...

Maybe he's waiting for you! lol

Auntie E said...

So sad a feeling this phot gives...
Ruby Tuesday-shopping time.

LifeRamblings said...

he looks stranded in a misery not knowing what to do. wonder what he was thinking about.