Monday, January 3, 2011

Ruby red/rednesday Calender

This is the Chinese character Fu meaning prosperous. This is an auspicious word, and sometimes people hang it upside down.Upside down is a homonym for arrive in Chinese. That means Good fortune arrives according to some.

My parents were Christians and we didn't hang this.


The JR said...

Complex. I'd be so confused.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love this post because my granddaughter is Chinese. And I didn't know this interesting fact about upside-down.

EG CameraGirl said...

This is an interesting tradition, Ann.

LV said...

All the world is filled with different beliefs and customs. Who is to say they are not all right.

Sweet Bee Cottage said...

Thanks for sharing - so fun to learn something new about Chinese.

genie said...

Happy New Year, is Genie here, finally. This is such an interesting post. I just love learning new cultural things. What a great idea for Ruby Wednesday....Rednesday.