Talofa on this cold blustery rainy day. Paki Paki to these Samoan students who are fundraising for the Samoan Students at Unitec.
They were cooking their sausage sizzle at Pt Chevalier Mall. I like their cheerfullness and when I asked if I could write a blog about them, they are very happy.
Desiree Amy their spokesperson told me they deal with study groups and social events to benefit Unitec students.
Their next event is Teuila Festival, 8th October 2014. It is the National festival created by students for students.
Teine ma Tama Samoa Unitec

It is nice to see the students helping others.. A great idea, I wish more people were like this.. Enjoy your week!
very encouraging to see younger people help others.
great to see student with big hearts.....
I am sure they were pleased that you took an interest in what they were doing.
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