These double daffodils are called Erlicheer. They belong to the plant family AMARYLLIDACE and Genus Narcissus
Spring has sprung, says who?
says the flowers
says my friend.
But not the skies.
It poured the whole night.
It's not time to pack away the woolies,
August is usually our coldest month.
These double miniature daffodils grows in the garden.
August is Daffodil month in New Zealand. August 27th is the 20th anniversary of Daffodil day. I tried to teach my ESOL students the concept of Cancer awareness.
Nowdays Daffodil Day is the Cancer Society's annual flagship event and one of the most important fundraising and awareness campaigns in the country. As well as providing an opportunity to raise awareness of cancer in New Zealand, Daffodil Day is a major funding source for the Cancer Society. We are proud to be regarded as one of the country's most trusted charities and this is reflected in our fundraising practices.
The daffodil is one of the first flowers of spring, whose bright yellow blooms remind us of the joys the new season will bring. It represents the hope there is for the 1 in 3 New Zealanders affected by cancer.
The donations we receive go towards vital scientific research into the causes and treatment of all types of cancer, as well as providing a wide range of support services, information, health promotion and education programmes to reduce cancer risk, awareness campaigns and programmes for people affected by cancer.
Thank you Maia.
I am joining this meme for the first time. First I love flowers. Second, the badge for this meme is the North Borneo Orchid. My Dad's favourite flower. It gives me warm fuzzy feeling every time I see this flower.
Join Macro Flowers Saturday, a photo meme for macro photos and close-ups of flowers, garden flowers, wildflowers, blossoms, flowers with insects and butterflies (no insects without flowers), flowers with raindrops and whatever beautiful plants, plant seeds or berries you have, in close-up.
First time visitors, please read the rules. They are simple but I do ask that you, please, use a MFS badge or link back to MFS in some way. Thank you.
Macro Flower Saturday
Oh wow, that is a pretty Daffodil. Is it spring in NZ?
Macro Flower
Such pretty daffodils Ann.
Hello Ann, my b&w is just an ordinary grass leaf. We don't have a bamboo here in MI ^_^
It looks like at least four daffodils there! They are just beautiful! So snow white and pure! I, too, share your love of flowers, as you've seen on my blog. I would not have recognized these as daffodils at all, till you told me, then I looked again and recognized the petal shape. I have never seen one like this. I was also not aware of the Cancer society's association with this flower, how neat! You gave me a smile with your comment! Yes, didn't all our mothers tell us to wear clean underwear in case we were in a car accident. I'm thinking if someone came into the E.R. very badly injured, would the first thing the doctor says be "Nurse, check that patient's underwear!!"
Wow- we haven't had daffodils in months. We are in the dog days of summer right now- all the plants and animals look tired. I envy you!
Do they have scent? I haven't seen daffodils yet or maybe I have seen it before but your daffodils looks so sweet smelling.
These white, double-petaled daffodils are very beautiful Ann, a little bit different from ours.
Lovely photos.
Spring is the most beautiful season with all the new flowers.
Hi Ann! Your daffodils look very pretty!
I think this is my first time in your blog. If you are doing research on cancer, you may want to google Dr. William Donald Kelly which is very enlightening!
Hi Ann! It's me Lui on the anonymous above. Ooops! I tried using my name/url options and it came out anonymous! Sorry.
these are so cool.. I just discovered the whole Macro thing.. and I adore it.. I will be checking out Macro flower Saturday! Thanks
I don't believe I've ever seen this type of daffodil. They are beautiful! Happy Saturday!
Beautiful photos!
Lovely flower too
Janneke X
That is the great thing about the internet! I can be sweltering in midsummer, and someone can post beautiful photos of daffodils, and I can think cool thoughts!!
Another pretty flower from you lovey area. Very nice pot for today. I appreciate your visit.
The flowers are so lovely! I'm joining the MFS for the first time too.
I grow this daffodil in my garden - mine has a lovely scent - has yours?
Welcome to MFS
It looks like it is a kind of hybrid daffodils, am not just pretty sure but it really is beautiful.T
Beautiful Daffodils and so nice to think it's spring somewhere while we melt here in the 100° heat index.
Beautiful daffodils!
Beautiful. Our's bloom here in spring. Late feb. or early march.
What gorgeous daffodils! Thanks for showing us.
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