Thursday, December 15, 2016

ABC Wednesday: A tale of letter W

A water closet is a room that contains a flush toilet, usually accompanied by a washbowl or sink, and the term may also be used to refer specifically to a flush toilet. We used to call it a WC in Borneo when I was growing up.

What fascinated me was the wooden seat and cover. Many years ago, a New Zealand friend said he preferred the wooden seat because it didn't feel cold when you sit on this.

This is a water closet in a wooden building in 1860s. I went out west to see this building because it fitted exactly the imagination of a venue of the B&B I wrote in my book, "The Playgroup Club" where many young women went.

The Falls Restaurant out West in Henderson.



MelodyK said...

Wonderful post for this weeks letter..... makes me think back, I can't remember ever had to use the WC (as we call them here too) without that flushing possibility and indeed a sink at the wall is common here as well, as are the seats which come in different designs, colors and materials... We have black/white ones which are painted with music-notes etc

Have a nice ABC-Wednesday / _ Week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc=w=team)

Trubes said...

In the UK we call WC's either lavatory or toilet or more commonly 'Loos'.
Usually they are called bathrooms in the US. We have a separate Loo downstairs
which is most useful for me so I don't need to use the stairs as i have
mobility issues.
best wishes,
ABCW team.

Roger Owen Green said...

I too have heard WC!