In New Zealand, our natives, the Maoris have adapted thei version of volcano cooking called the Hangi.

I was teaching my ESOL adult students what a Hangi is.
I was pleasantly surprised that In South America, they also cook food in a similar way. In Peru, Felecites tells me they call it Pachamanca, and in Chile, Monica says they call it Curanto. My Samoa students call it Umu.
In my other blog,, I wrote about Hangis and my book, Mail order Bride., and short story, Nadine in various posts, but I didn't have a closeup photo. Here I am fortunate that Ngarimu's cousin invited me to take as many photos as I wanted.
Here are pix of the hot pit.
Cooking for a storm, chicken, pork, mutton, potato, kumara, pumpkin, cabbage, wholesome food cooked on site. Food wrapped in paper and alumnium foil placed in a basket and steamed in the ground for hours from hot stones.
The Maoris got this idea of a hangi from the hot thermal volcanic grounds where eggs can be boiled by lowering into thermal pools. In a Hangi, a big pit or more than one square yard is dug in the ground. Timber is burned, and stones are heated. The baskets of food are put into the pit and covered with jute sacks. Dirt is dug on top of the pit. The food takes a few hours to cook. It looks like a smoking volcano.
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Hi Ann, This is so very interesting and your pictures are wonderful. I am so happy that you have joined our A-Z food group. My husband, John, and I enjoyed reading all about this volcano type cooking.
Happy Monday Ann-
Volcano cooking looks like a lot of work,
but I'm sure the food is delicious.
Have a great week. ;)
Loved the photos of the Hangi! It's so cool to see how different cultures make their specialty dishes. My hubby and daughter were guests for a beach pig roast while she was in college that her friend Boneo from Papau, New Guinea, hosted. They call their traditional firepit a mumu.
Welcome to A~Z Mondays Ann!
I love learning new methods of cooking. Now if I can only get someone else to do all that work!
really interesting blog!! i´ll visit again-thanks for visiting mine , too;-) have a good one!
Kia ora Ann,
I love your blog! I will be coming back for more. Very interesting photos and text. Thank you for sharing!
That's amazing--I LOVE it. Worked in a foundry once upon a time, and we'd bring steaks to work on payday, cook them on a red-hot furnace: two seconds each side!
Our apple trees normally bloom very late, and it's not uncommon for them to have no blossoms. Butte, Montana, is at 6,000 feet elevation & 45 deg north latitude--marginal weather for things like apple trees.
Really interesting--it is an older version of the American crock pot!
Hello Ann,
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
This is very cool. Maybe not in I'm sure it was hot outside, but definately in technique!
I luv learning about different cultures and styles.
Interesting cousin to the fish boil I posted, as you noted. Looks like a very "alternative energy" way to cook!
Interesting - my wife teaches an ESOL class also; mostly for Spanish speaking people.
I really enjoyed this post, Ann. It's fascinating that there are the many of the same cooking techniques all around the globe but called by different names. Just like the many different ethnic foods that are almost identical but with unique names. I think that's another way that we are all connected. That's a good thing!
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