There are many bridges in Brisbane. We walked across from the Museum to the city.
The Brisbane River, running through Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, is crossed by sixteen major bridges, from the Sir Leo Hielscher Bridges downsteam to the Centenary upsteam. The river meanders through an urban area that comprises 1.8 million people.
Even thought I clicked, I can't figure out what those circles of poles are!! how strange! Part of the bridge?
One of the cities I would love to visit!
makes me think of string art with those poles and cables.
Word verification if "fingers", which sort of fits!
I wouldn't have thought of string art but once I saw Lesley's comment I thought " how true! " lovley photo...
wow, 16 bridges--that's a lot. he longest river in Metro Manila has 13 bridges.:p
I'm a bit puzzled too but I really like it!
Too bad you didn't leave a larger image of this one... But I think I count three bridges in this capture.
one thing this meme does is allow us to see all the different kinds of bridges that are around in this great world of ours. This is one of the more unusual ones!
That's a whole lotta bridges!
«Louis» is late making his rounds...
SIXTEEN bridges?!
That's even more than around the San Francisco Bay Area!
Its really a great post.
data cabling brisbane
telephone installation
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