This is what Bart saw from the cruise ship. Can you see the bridge on the extreme right?


My Cousin Bart Ngieng is the Travel Manager with Wah Tung Travel Service Sdn Bhd. in Kuching, Sarawak Malaysia. www.wahtung.travel
I see it and Venice is so beautiful. Still I am always amazed how people live there with the water rising. Great post Ann.
Sunday Bridges
Ann...I see it. It is so tiny compared to the building. What a gorgeous spot. I went to Rome and Florence, but did not have time to go to Venice. Now I am too old to make the trip. Have to depend on photos like this to take me there. genie
Beautiful place.
Romantic city and lovely photo:)
That poor bridge is dwarfed by the other buildings, but I see it!
I see it! What a beautiful place.
What a lucky guy he is to go to such wonderful places.
hee hee...
Venice certainly isn't lacking for bridges!
Belatedly, «Louis» thanks you for your contribution to Sunday Bridges.
Both of your bridges are impressive, but I really like the one in Venice. It may not be as big as the other, but it is certainly elegant.
Nice takes :)
really loved the second shot.
Nice bridge captures. : )
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