Friday, March 30, 2012

Pink Allamanda

This pink Allamanda flower post is a sequel of the yellow Allamanda post I did in November last year. This is for the Chew Family, especially for Mrs. Chew and Lynn Wong Aka Chew Yaw Leng.

In 1974, I was a 19 year old teacher, and she was a young student. We both belonged to the house Allamanda. We would cheer A LLa Man Da. Ah Leng reminded me of this last year, a part of my life I left behind so long ago to go to Canada.

Coincidentally , Ah Leng also went to the same university and we both are in New Zealand, except she is in Wellington and I am in Auckland. Last August, I went to Christchurch and met with them after not seeing each other since 1975.
Macro Flower Saturday
Macro Flower Saturday Macro Flower Saturday ">


The JR said...

Such a pretty color.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is beautiful, I have never heard of this flower...

Maia T said...

What a lovely, little plant. I only saw it in pots at the flower center.
The flowers of this one have a beautiful color.

Jama said...

That's such a pretty colour and not so commonly found here. Most I've seen are the yellow and red allamanda.

Unknown said...

it's amazing that this small allamanda is blooming! beautiful!

George said...

It's nice when we can meet with friends after the passage of so many years. I really like the color of these blossoms.

Magia da Inês said...

Conheço alamandas amarelas (mais comuns aqui) e vinho mas não sabia que existiam alamandas rosas.
Belas em qualquer cor... mas eu adoro rosa... então são mais lindas.
Bom fim de semana!

Modern Mom said...

Beautiful blooms.

Pink and White Euphorbias

Discovery School at First Baptist Heath said...

Simply beautiful... Love your shots

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Lovely shots of these stunning flowers, Ann.

Thanks for your participation in Floral Friday Fotos!

Lui said...

This is so pretty, Ann.
It resembles the mandevilla and hibiscus ;-)