I walked the CBD of Brisbane and crossed many bridges, I crossed over from the Courts where my brother went and walked the
Kurilpa Bridge (originally known as the Tank Street Bridge)
is a (A$)$63 million pedestrian and bicycle bridge over the
Brisbane River in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.[1][2] The
bridge connects Kurilpa Point in South Brisbane to Tank
Street in the Brisbane central business district. In 2011, the
bridge was judged World Transport Building of the Year at the World Architecture Festival.[3]
I walked the whole morning, cross back to the city where the Casino was. I walked and walked and overshot.I realised I had gone to far, I went to a news agent. She was wonderful and gave me a map. Just before me, a group of young girls had asked the same thing.
I asked 5 people including a good looking lawyer and a policeman. When I went to the court the police showed me, I went to the wrong court. Joseph told me I needed to take a photo for my escapade. I told him, I pretend to be a lawyer like him.
Father had ambition of becoming a lawyer. He always told us, if he had the money, and if he didn't get the scholarship to study Education in England, he would have been a lawyer. He shared with us news of court cases he read in the newspaper.
One day when I was teaching in Kuching, he came for work in Kuching. he took me to the court and watch a murder trial take place. I knew he really wanted to be a lawyer.
Law is in our blood, there are 5 lawyers in the Chan Clan.

Very interesting, Ann!
«Louis» thanks you for your participation in Sunday Bridges.
a good way to spend the day.
Interesting post and I love the bridge.
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