Zygocactus, with their pretty, flattened-bell flowers, are delights of the winter garden. They’re often called ‘crab’ cactus, because of their crab-like segmented stems, or, occasionally, Christmas cactus. The latter name doesn’t, of course, make a lot of sense in the southern hemisphere where they flower in the middle of the year. Zygocactus bloom in winter because their flowering is initiated by winter’s longer nights (or shorter days).
Zygocactus (more correctly called schlumbergera, but familiarly known as zygos) are hybrids of succulent plants that grow naturally on trees in their Brazilian homeland.

That's a beautiful click :) Appeals to the nature lover in me!
My #FF Story
Very pretty the cactus flowers .
That's a rich pink color. If we ever get rid of the front lawn, I'd try growing some of those.
The View from the Top of the Ladder
Nice Z word!
Interesting flowers! Such a delight!
Lovely. Ours are blooming now as well, Ann.
Thank you for taking part in the Floral Friday Fotos meme!
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