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Ask the 5 big NZ tuna retailers to leave out the turtle and shark and change their tuna!
Our relationship with the sea is a vital part of what it means to be Kiwi.
Over the last week, along with the other groups involved in the flotilla to Stop Deep Sea Oil, we have been working to protect New Zealand's coastlines, oceans and economy from the impacts of deep sea drilling.
Slightly further from our shores, but just as important, the Pacific Ocean is being affected by industrial tuna fishing fleets. More than 6000 vessels are scooping up tuna at such a rate that stocks are in jeopardy of being wiped out. Adding to this problem are destructive fishing methods which are killing endangered sharks, turtles and tuna so young that they haven't had a chance to reproduce.
Not only is this threatening the health of the Pacific Ocean it's also impacting on the livelihoods of our Pacific neighbours.
This short video explains the whole shebang very nicely ...
We all have a crucial part to play in protecting the Pacific and its fish stocks so there are tuna in the future. Over the next few months we'll be talking to the five companies behind the major brands of canned tuna, the New Zealand fishing fleets and the Government about what needs to be done and we'll need your help.
Starting today we're calling on the main brands of canned tuna sold in New Zealand (Sealord, John West, Greenseas and the 'own brand' products of our two supermarket chains) to follow the lead of tuna brands in other parts of the world that are shifting to more sustainably caught tuna.
Our message to NZ tuna brands is: "Change your tuna". By that we mean they need to start sourcing truly sustainable fish and to stop selling tuna that has been caught using bad fishing methods which catch and kill endangered turtles and sharks.
You can help let the brands know selling tuna caught this way is not acceptable and that you want them to be offering you a choice based on sustainability. Join our online campaign to send this message to them now at:
Depending on their responses, we'll decide where we need to focus our
attention, and will be in touch soon with next steps.
Thank you for your support,
Karli Thomas
Oceans campaigner
Greenpeace Aotearoa NZ
Wonderful shot.
Good Post Ann, there is so much of our behavior that must change for life to thrive on earth.
We luv to fish with rods/reels. We use artificial baits.
You have different blogs, so I was not sure which to visit. I enjoyed seeing and reading about them. Some very touching and heart warming.
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