Friday, December 9, 2011


These Nerium Oleander look so beautiful, yet they are so deadly. All parts of this plant is highly toxic.
There is a folk story where a good but not very beautiful woman who was bullied by her husband. She tolerated his abuses until he became unfaithful and planned to divorce her. She made kebabs for husband. She used Oleander stems to skewer the bits of meat before barbecuing the kebabs. The unsuspecting man ate the kebabs and died straight away.
The moral of the story is do not abuse the person who loves you, even nature will not approve your actions.

There were cases of oleander poisoning in California when people unknowingly cut branches to use when cooking hot dogs over a bon fire. The drove the sap out into the meat. POW!

Macro Flower Saturday
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Lui said...

Ann, that was tragic story. But then maybe instead of poisoning somebody one should instead move on and seek justice somewhere...

Useful info about Oleander. I love it but now you made me think twice about having it in my house!

Maia T said...

I love oleander too, especially the flowers. Nice photos Ann.

Thanks for letting me know about the comment.
What message do you get when you try to comment on MFS?

As I click your side I have a message from Defender but it goes away so fast that I can't read it.

Jama said...

They are deadly but are commonly found here in the parks and home!

SquirrelQueen said...

The oleander is a beautiful flower. That is a sad story. It's too bad that the woman felt murder was her only recourse.

Birgitta said...

A sad story...Beautiful flower!

Eden said...

Beautiful flowers. Great shots.

Luna Miranda said...

i "discovered" oleander recently although i have read about it many years ago. beautiful but deadly.

CameraCruise said...

Beautiful flower!
What a sad story.

Giga said...

Piękne kwiaty, a potrafią być takie trujące :-(. Pozdrawiam

The JR said...

I just don't have any luck with these on our property.