Cosmos is a genus, with the same common name of Cosmos, of about 20–26 species of annualand perennial plants in the family Asteraceae.
Don't they look like stars the way little children draw them?
Yesterday, 3 little victims of a fire was laid to rest. Their parents Jane and Martin Weekes suggested people to donate to the Wellington Neonatal Trust. It struck a chord in my heart. When Andrew died, I asked in lieu of flowers, would my friends send donations to the NICU Education and research fund in Auckland Hospital. At this time of hurting, bereave parents think of people who had helped them. I am not saying we are great people. but there is something innate in us to help others though the help doesn't benefit us directly.
When friends told me that this flower is called Cosmos, I think of stars, don't you think it is poignant there are 3 new flowers in the foreground of the photo? The 3 new stars of the Weekes' family. Lillie, Willsher and Jackson who died in a fire in a mall in Doha in Qatar.
These stars have been taken up to the sky by Tiki's rainbow.
I am sending this Via the cyber way to Jane.
Go to sleep, baby.
Close your eyes.
let the angels take you up into the sky
Go to sleep, baby.
Close your eyes,
let the rainbow take you up into the sky'
Sweet dreams, baby.
SWEET DREAMS: All proceeds from Tiki Taane's Starship Lullaby go to the Starship Foundation.
So horribly sad!!!! Just little children...
Passei para uma visitinha.
Essas flores são muito decorativas e tornam qualquer jardim mais alegres.
Bom domingo!
Boa semana!
beautiful flowers! ... my tree is a white chestnut :)
Beautiful cosmos.
Love those flowers, great shots ;)
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