Visiting my mum's Ah Pia aka Kai Dad in the Rejang Basin.
4 times a year, my aunty would buy from the Ibans a little piglet like thee in the photo. We kept the piglet in a big box, and I was the pig farmer. In fact I was the farmer for chicken, ducks, and one turkey.
My aunty had a curry stall at Pulau Babi. She collected all the leftover food from her customers, and mother drove me to the stall and pick up the bucket. I had to dilute the food, so that it wouldn't be too spicy for the pig. I had to empty the old stale food and clean the trough. Sometimes, I was too lazy and just dumped the food over the now staled food. I pay for my tardiness. The pig won't eat stale food. Then I had to rinse the trough and find some food for him. I also gave him kangkong which was growing aplenty in the garden.
The pig loved it most when I splashed buckets of water from the pond. It also like the occasional brush.
I knew this was a pig reared for food and when it was grown. It had to make way for another piglet. We shared the meat with my aunty and other aunties and uncles.
Sonia Lahung J We seem to have the same experience at feeding pigs Ann Chin.
When my siblings and I were in Primary, we helped our parents to feed
the pigs. We collected yams from the garden esp planted for pig food,
chopped and cooked with some fine paddy husk. I once cut the side of my
left thumb while chopping the yams. My parents sold the pigs and piglets
aside fr hvg it slaughted during planting or harvesting season. Nice
feeling to reminish

2 comments: did you keep from becoming too attached? It was like a pet!
we were not allowed to handle it, just feed it.
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