These are dried strips of Thaifood. I think they are artificially dyed with a red dye which is not very good for you.

These sour plums are laden with salt. At least the colour is natural. You can buy the red ones which makes your lips and fingers red.

Yellow dred mangoes from China.

BBQ squids from Japan.


I am not very into sweet except for chocolate. I can devour a whole box of chocolate with mixed nuts. But I loved the salted Asian dried snacks. I was at an Asian grocery store and got carried away with these, and others which are not red or yellow.
When we were little, these were usually consumed during Chinese New Year. Now you can buy them at any time.
I haven't heard of most of these, I would not be brave enough to try the BBQ squid!
My mom luved all of this kind of stuff. Us/her kids, we were not that adventurous.
I love dried mango!
My Ruby Tuesday, please come and see.
Very interesting snacks ! great Pics!
I am not familiar with those foods. I am a big eater of dried mango tho. Love it.
Everything but the squid for me, thanks!
If you have a penchant for red,
Then scarlet will go to your head;
But if it is gold
You’d rather behold,
Then plant yellow roses instead.
© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher
Callejon (Alley)
Yeah, they look familiar.
Hi Ann,
I did make the paper lanterns in my header .They are very simple , no rings, just stapled together.
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