Here is Dr Jannie van Heesm the Project Director during the ceremony.

Dr. Jannie and Christine.

I wore my national dress the Batek Kebaya. I am a product of many ethnicity. Born a Chinese in Sarawak when we were under the British, the a Malaysian and now a New Zealander. On special occasions I wear the Kebaya. Thankful to Christine who marked and advised my tasks, and our DP Lynette who mentored us.
This morning my friends Maureen and Susan graduated as a trained English Language Assistant. Yesterday, our principal gave us beautiful bouquets. It seems someone had whispered that the peony is the national flower of China. Susan and Maureen's bouquet had some Peonies and red hydrangeas which I didn't really appreciated as I had hedges of them. When I got mine, they were peonies and Alstroemeria. I was over the moon.
The peony is among the longest-used flowers in ornamental culture and is one of the smallest living creature national emblems in China. Along with the plum blossom, it is a traditional floral symbol of China, where the Paeonia suffruticosa is called 牡丹 (mǔdān). It is also known as 富贵花 (fùguìhuā) "flower of riches and honour," and is used symbolically in Chinese art.[11] In 1903, the Qing Dynasty declared the peony as the national flower.

Congrats! The bouquet is beautiful. I love peonies.
Congrats Ann and lovely bouquet!
What a pretty bouquet. Congrats!
Cadena de Amor
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