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A-Z on Monday~~Letter W
Welcome to A-Z on Monday
where the alphabet gets tastier
every week!
The Thai people do not only eat the zucchini, The also eat the flowers and young shoots. These were for sale at the Thai King's birthday at Rocket Park in Mt Albert. Flowers can be deep fried like tempura.
How interesting. Here in the USA, I have only eaten the vegetable and the blossom. I did not realize the root and leaf could also be eaten. Thanks once again for sharing your very interesting culture. My son has been in China the past couple of weeks and commented over and over, how he just loved the food. Everything is so fresh. The only time he gets that here, is when the gardens are doing well in summer. The rest, we must preserve by canning, freezing and drying.
Most of our culture (I for one) didn't know those parts were edible and think they are unusual.
The Thia don't use the fruit and probably think they are not any good.
Differences in the world are amazing.
I have heard of Tempura frying the flowers, but don't know anyone around here who does it. We usually only eat the zucchini itself, and people are always growing way too much and then giving away lots. they must be very easy to grow, because every year lots of people get stuck with many.
Thanks for telling me about the volcano, it's really fascinating! If you walk up there, you must be very fit!! Your pictures of Christmas in the park are so good!! You got a real good variety of everything that was there! How exciting that one will be in a magazine!! Which one did he want? I love the angel wings and the blue food cart. Also everyone sitting around eating. When it gets in the magazine, take some pictures of it and show us. You will be a professional photographer!
I like zucchini so I do seldom grow it as the plant is much prone to powdery mildew in my garden. I have cooked fried zucchini flowers. Zucchini or also called Zuchetti are a very versatile vegetable. I do like to cook with it. I sometime find them the greengrocer organically grown.
Thank you for your visits and comments.
I have seen this on menus at Thai restaurants. I will have to try them. Hope you had fun during out A to Z Mondays. I know I did!
I didn't know that other parts of the plant could be eaten. How interesting! Happy Monday to you! :)
Wow - I guess nothing gets wasted when you eat most of the plant. I'm always willing (almost always) to try something, so I will have to keep an eye out for this.
Interesting post about zucchini! It's new to me.
Well as they say all things are good deep fried, but I never thought about flowers.
This is good to know, I'd like to try eating the shoots next time I grow zucchini.
Hi Ann! We both posted about zucchini...great minds think alike!! I also prefer the young tender zucchini. The photo was from on line, not an original. I never heard of eating the flowers though. Sounds good to me.
This is so interesting. Thank you for sharing. Always a pleasure to visit with you Ann.
I harvested my first zucchini this afternoon and cooked it right away. Check it here Ann,
Cheesy Zucchini
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