It depends on which camp you belong to. I don't mind if they have the bird houses far away from human dwellings. But I draw the line where they are established right in the middle of towns. I was shocked to see this brand new building converted to a bird house.
I was told you can't blame the owners, they build a shop house which sits empty with no rental income.

Lovely shots. Happy sky watching.
Ann, I read your post about the birds nest soup and it sounds just awful. It is a shame the poor birds do not know about these bird houses. Thanks for the info. Lovely shot of the sky, thanks for sharing.
I am not sure I could eat bird nest soup...
I love the photo of the swifts circling!
Lately there have been a lot of bad publicity on these bird house
from noise of these houses to bleaching used in cleaning the nests and unnatural habitat with these house instead of caves.
There are many reasons why I feel factory farming of bird nests is a horrible idea. Very interesting post, Ann.
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